Morphs Win11 24H2 26100.2152 Tweaked FullApps Office2024 Oct2024 NO TPM

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Morphs Win11 26100.2152 24H2 Tweaked FullApps Office2024 Oct2024 NO TPM

Giống như bản Morphs Win11 24H2 26100.2152 Tweaked Morphed Office 2024 Oct2024 NO TPM, Morphs Win11 24H2 26100.2152 Tweaked FullApps Office2024 Oct2024 NO TPM là bản Win 11 24H2 Lite của tác giả Morphs, được lược bỏ các thành phần không cần thiết, tinh chỉnh hệ thống, và khác biết là có thêm hơn 500 phần mềm ở dạng Portable (giải nén dùng ngay không cần cài đặt), nên dung lượng file iso và dung lượng ổ cứng sau khi cài đặt hoàn tất cao hơn bình thường, các bạn nên lưu ý trước khi tải về sử dụng!

Morphs Win11 24H2 Tweaked FullApps Office2024 NO TPM
Morphs Win11 24H2 Tweaked FullApps Office2024 NO TPM

Thông tin chi tiết:

  • Phiên bản/Bản dựng: 26100.2152
  • Kiến trúc: x64 (64 Bit)
  • Kích thước: 26.03 GB
  • Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh (Mỹ)
  • Tác giả: Morphs Creations
  • Nén: Esd
  • Kích thước file cài đặt Esd: 2.7 GB
  • Kích thước file boot Wim: 577 MB
  • Dung lượng cài đặt: 23.84 GB
  • Dung lượng sau khi cài đặt: 70 GB

Yêu cầu hệ thống:

Phiên bản này đã được tinh chỉnh để bỏ qua các yêu cầu về chip TPM và Secure Boot, giúp bạn cài đặt Windows 11 trên các máy tính cũ hơn. Tuy nhiên, máy tính của bạn vẫn cần đáp ứng các yêu cầu cơ bản sau:

  • Bộ xử lý (CPU): 1 GHz (64-bit) hoặc nhanh hơn, có ít nhất hai nhân.
  • Bộ nhớ (RAM): 4GB.
  • Ổ cứng: 64GB hoặc lớn hơn.
  • Card đồ họa: Tương thích với DirectX 12 trở lên.
  • Màn hình: Độ phân giải HD (720p) trở lên, kích thước lớn hơn 9 inch.
  • Kết nối Internet (tài khoản Microsoft là tùy chọn).

Các tính năng:

  • Tích hợp sẵn .NET Framework 3.5 (bao gồm 3.0 & 2.0).
  • Microsoft Store và Windows Update hoạt động bình thường.
  • Không yêu cầu tài khoản Microsoft trong lúc cài đặt Win 11.
  • Chỉ hỗ trợ cài đặt mới (clean install).

Tùy chỉnh:

Bạn có thể sử dụng công cụ UltraUXThemePatcher để thay đổi giao diện Windows. Công cụ này có sẵn trong Start Menu hoặc trên Desktop.

Kích hoạt:

Windows và Office chưa được kích hoạt. Bạn có thể sử dụng các công cụ kích hoạt có sẵn trong thư mục “Desktop\Morph’s_Desktop_Apps\Activation”. Nhớ tắt Windows Defender trước khi sử dụng các công cụ này.

Các phần mềm được cài đặt sẵn

  1. 7z-x64.exe: Công cụ nén và giải nén file 7-Zip phiên bản 64-bit, hỗ trợ nhiều định dạng nén.
  2. 8GadgetPackSetup.msi: Bộ cài đặt 8GadgetPack, cho phép thêm các gadget (tiện ích) lên màn hình desktop Windows.
  3. Ac3filter.exe: Bộ lọc âm thanh AC3, cải thiện chất lượng âm thanh khi xem phim hoặc nghe nhạc.
  4. AdobeAIR- Nền tảng Adobe AIR để chạy các ứng dụng internet phong phú.
  5. CCleaner.exe: Công cụ dọn dẹp hệ thống, giải phóng dung lượng ổ cứng và tối ưu hóa hiệu suất.
  6. CCleaner_Config.exe: Tệp tin cấu hình cho CCleaner.
  7. ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe: Bộ cài đặt trình duyệt web Google Chrome.
  8. DAEMONToolsLite.exe: Phần mềm tạo ổ đĩa ảo, giúp “mount” các file ảnh ISO.
  9. Desktop_Restore.msi: Khôi phục cài đặt màn hình desktop.
  10. DirectX_Setup_silent.exe: Bộ cài đặt DirectX, cần thiết cho game và ứng dụng đa phương tiện.
  11. GadgetPack_silent.exe & GadgetPack1_silent.exe: Cài đặt 8GadgetPack ở chế độ im lặng.
  12. iobit_unlocker.exe: Mở khóa các tập tin bị khóa.
  13. K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Mega.exe: Bộ codec âm thanh và video đầy đủ.
  14. lightshot.exe: Công cụ chụp ảnh màn hình.
  15. MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe: Trình cài đặt Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.
  16. MorphsOldTools.exe: Bộ công cụ hệ thống của Morphs.
  17. MPC-HC_silent.exe: Trình phát video MPC-HC.
  18. Office2024_silent.exe: Bộ cài đặt Microsoft Office 2024.
  19. OldCalcWin10.exe: Máy tính cổ điển cho Windows 10.
  20. OldNewExplorer_silent.exe: Tùy chỉnh giao diện File Explorer.
  21. OldNewExplorerCfg.lnk: Shortcut cấu hình OldNewExplorer.
  22. Shortcut_Manager.msi: Phần mềm quản lý shortcut.
  23. startback_aio.exe: StartIsBack AIO, tùy biến menu Start.
  24. TotalCMD.exe: Trình quản lý tập tin Total Commander.
  25. Totalcmd_config.exe: Tệp tin cấu hình cho Total Commander.
  26. UltraUXThemePatcher.exe: Cho phép sử dụng theme của bên thứ ba.
  27. VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe: Bộ cài đặt Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  28. windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.35-win-x64.exe & windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.35-win-x86.exe: Cài đặt Windows Desktop Runtime phiên bản 6.0.35.
  29. windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.10-win-x64.exe & windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.10-win-x86.exe: Cài đặt Windows Desktop Runtime phiên bản 8.0.10.
  30. WinRAR-Themes.exe: Bộ theme cho WinRAR.
  31. winrarx64.exe: Công cụ nén và giải nén file WinRAR phiên bản 64-bit.

Các phần mềm Portable đi kèm

  1. OfficeSuite Premium 9.00.57661 Portable
  2. 3D.Benchmark OK 2.15 Portable
  3. 3DP Chip 24.09 Portable
  4. 4DDiG DLL Fixer Portable
  5. 4DDiG File Repair Portable
  6. 4DDiG Partition Manager Portable
  7. 4K Stogram Portable
  8. 4K Tokkit Portable
  9. 4K Video Downloader Portable
  10. 4K Video Downloader Plus Portable
  11. 4K YouTube to MP3 Portable
  12. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 5.15.2 Portable
  13. 7tsp GUI v0.6(2019) Portable
  14. 7-Zip 24.08 Portable
  15. 12-Ants Game 6.55 Portable
  16. Abelssoft PC Fresh 2024 10.01.54545 Portable
  17. Abelssoft Win11PrivacyFix 2025 4.0.54970 Portable
  18. Active Disk Image Pro 23.0.0 Portable
  19. AdapterWatch 1.05 Portable
  20. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024.003.20180 Portable
  21. Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool Portable
  22. Advanced Password Recovery Suite 2.2.0 Portable
  23. Advanced Renamer 4.03 Portable
  24. Advanced System Care Pro Portable
  25. Advanced Uninstaller Pro Portable
  26. AIDA64 Extreme 7.35.7000 Portable
  27. AIO Boot NewGen Portable
  28. Aiseesoft Data Recovery 1.8.26 Portable
  29. Aiseesoft FoneLab 10.6.18 Portable
  30. Aiseesoft FoneLab for Android 5.0.38 Portable
  31. Aiseesoft FoneLab iPhone Data Recovery 10.5.98 Portable
  32. Aiseesoft FoneTrans 9.3.70 Portable
  33. Aiseesoft iPhone Unlocker 2.0.60 Portable
  34. Aiseesoft Mobie Sync 2.5.38 Portable
  35. Aiseesoft Phone Mirror 2.2.52 Portable
  36. Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate 10.8.52 Portable
  37. AllDup 4.5.62 Portable
  38. Amazing SD Memory Card Data Recovery Portable
  39. Angry IP Scanner 3.9.1 Portable
  40. Ankh Tech Toolbox 3.0 Portable
  41. Antivirus Removal Tool 2024.10 Portable
  42. AnyBurn 6.2 Portable
  43. AnyToISO Pro Portable
  44. AOMEI Backupper Tech Plus 7.4.1 Portable
  45. AOMEI FastRecovery 3.6.0 Portable
  46. AOMEI FoneTool Tech 2.5.0 Portable
  47. AOMEI MyRecover 3.6.1 Tech Portable
  48. AOMEI Partition Assistant 10.5.0 Portable
  49. AOMEI PE Builder 2.0 Portable
  50. Ascomp Backup Maker 8.307 Portable
  51. Ascomp Cleaning Suite 4.013 Portable
  52. Ascomp FRename 2.107 Portable
  53. Ascomp Secure Eraser 6.106 Portable
  54. Ascomp Synchredible 8.204 Portable
  55. Ascomp TextR 2.005 Portable
  56. Ashampoo Backup Pro 25.05 Portable
  57. Ashampoo Driver Updater Portable
  58. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer Portable
  59. Ashampoo UnInstaller 15.00.10 Portable
  60. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 27.00.03 Portable
  61. Auslogics AntiMalware Portable
  62. Auslogics Bit Replica Portable
  63. Auslogics Boost Speed Portable
  64. Auslogics Disk Defrag Ultimate Portable
  65. Auslogics Driver Updater Portable
  66. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Portable
  67. Auslogics File Recovery Portable
  68. Auslogics Registry Cleaner Portable
  69. Auslogics Registry Defrag Portable
  70. Auslogics Video Grabber Portable
  71. Auslogics Windows Slimmer Pro Portable
  72. Autorun Organizer 5.45 Portable
  73. Autoruns 14.11 Portable
  74. Avast Ransomware Decryption Tools Portable
  75. AVZ 5.93 30.04.2024 Portable
  76. BackUp Maker Pro 8.308 Portable
  77. Batch Text Replacer 2.15.0 Portable
  78. BlueLife Hosts Editor 1.5 Portable
  79. BlueScreen View 1.55 Portable
  80. Brave 1.68.134-92 Portable
  81. BrowsingHistory View 2.57 Portable
  82. Bulk Image Downloader Portable
  83. Bulk Rename Utility Portable
  84. BurnAware Pro 18.1 Portable
  85. Calibre 7.19.0 Portable
  86. CareUEyes Portable
  87. CCleaner 6.28.11297 Portable
  88. CCleaner CCEnhancer
  89. CCleaner winapp2ool
  90. Change MAC Address 24.06 Portable
  91. ChrisPC Free VPN Connection 4.10.26 Portable
  92. ChrisPC Proxy Pro 9.23.1005 Portable
  93. Chris-PC RAM Booster 7.24.0826 Portable
  94. Chrome Cache View 2.51 Portable
  95. Chromium 126.0.6478.127 Portable
  96. Classic Volume Control Portable
  97. Cleaning Suite Pro 4.015 Portable
  98. CloseAll 5.9 Portable
  99. Complete Internet Repair Portable
  100. Coolmuster Android Assistant 5.2.30 Portable
  101. Coolmuster Android Backup Manager 3.0.10 Portable
  102. Coolmuster iOS Assistant 4.2.55 Portable
  103. Coolmuster iPhone Data Recovery 5.0.13 Portable
  104. Coolmuster LabFone for Android 6.0.37 Portable
  105. Coolmuster Mobile Transfer 3.0.14 Portable
  106. CoreTemp 1.18.1 Portable
  107. CpuTemp Portable
  108. CPU-Z 2.11 Portable
  109. Crystal Info 1.0.7 Portable
  110. Crystal Info Mark 1.0.7 Portable
  111. CrystalDiskInfo 9.4.4 Portable
  112. CurrPorts 2.77 Portable
  113. DAMN NFO Viewer 2.10 Portable
  114. DDU Portable
  115. Defender Control 2.1 Portable
  116. Defender Remover 12.8.0 Portable
  117. Defender Tools 1.15.b08 Portable
  118. Defraggler 2.22.995 Portable
  119. DesktopOK 11.24 Portable
  120. Directory List Print 4.31 Portable
  121. Directory Lister Pro 2.46 Portable
  122. Disk Digger Portable
  123. Disk Drill Enterprise 5.6.913 Portable
  124. Disk Genius Portable
  125. DiskBoss Ultimate 12.3.14 Portable
  126. DiskTrix UltimateDefrag Portable
  127. DISM Tool 2.8 Portable
  128. DISMTools 0.5.1 Portable
  129. Dns Angel 1.7 Portable
  130. DNS Changer 2.3.0 Portable
  131. Dns Jumper 2.3 Portable
  132. Dns Lock 1.5 Portable
  133. DoNotSpy 11 v1.2.0.0 Portable
  134. DownTester 1.30 Portable
  135. Drive Letter Changer 1.4 Portable
  136. Drive SnapShot Portable
  137. Driver Easy Portable
  138. Driver Genius Platinum Portable
  139. Driver Magician 6.1 Portable
  140. Driver Reviver Portable
  141. Driver Talent Pro Portable
  142. Driver Updater 7.1.1300 Portable
  143. DriverMax Pro Portable
  144. Droid Transfer 1.65 Portable
  145. Duplicate Audio Finder Portable
  146. Duplicate Cleaner 5.23.0 Portable
  147. Duplicate File Detective 7.2.74 Portable
  148. Duplicate File Finder Pro 2024.05 Portable
  149. Duplicate Files Search & Link 10.5.0 Portable
  150. Duplicate Picture Finder Portable
  151. DVDDrive Repair Portable
  152. Dynamic Disk Partitioner 1.6.0 Portable
  153. EaseUS DataRecovery Wizard Tech Portable
  154. Eassiy Android Data Recovery 5.1.22 Portable
  155. Easy Context Menu 1.6 Portable
  156. Easy Service Optimizer 1.2 Portable
  157. EasyUEFI 5.0.2 Portable
  158. Edge Block 2.0 Portable
  159. Edge Remover 17.17 Portable
  160. Email Backup Wizard 14.2 Portable
  161. EmEditor 24.3.0 Portable
  162. Emsisoft Emergency Kit 2024.4.0.12347 Portable
  163. ESET Online Scanner Portable
  164. EssentialOffice 2.9.4 Portable
  165. ET Optimizer 5.4.1 Portable
  166. Everything Portable
  167. ExamDiff Pro Portable
  168. Exif Tool GUI 6.3.0 Portable
  169. Explorer Patcher 22621.3880.66.6
  170. Extreme Picture Finder Portable
  171. EZCD Audio Converter Portable
  172. EzPing 2.1 Portable
  173. FanControl 206 Portable
  174. FanCtrl 1.7.1 Portable
  175. FastCopy Pro 5.7.15 Portable
  176. FastStone Capture 10.7 Portable
  177. File & Image Uploader 8.4.6 Portable
  178. File Menu Tools Portable
  179. File Optimizer 16.70.1825 Portable
  180. File Renamer 24.8.29 Portable
  181. File Viewer Plus Portable
  182. FileZilla 3.67.1 Portable
  183. Find MAC Address 24.06 Portable
  184. Firefox 131.0.2 Portable
  185. FixWin 11 11.1 Portable
  186. Floorp Browser 11.18.0 Portable
  187. Folder2ISO 1.1 Portable
  188. Folder2List 3.28.5 Portable
  189. FolderSizes 9.6.490 Portable
  190. FoneDog Toolkit for Android 2.1.20 Portable
  191. FoneLab Android Data Recovery 3.1.26 Portable
  192. FonePaw for Android 6.1.0 Portable
  193. Foxit Reader 2024.3.0.26795 Portable
  194. FreeFileSync 12.2 Portable
  195. Freemake Video Converter Portable
  196. GameSave Manager 3.1.571.0 Portable
  197. GClean 2024 v224.01.50964 Portable
  198. Geek Uninstaller 1.5.2 Build 165 Portable
  199. Geekbench AI Corporate 1.1.0 Portable
  200. GetDataBack Pro 5.70 Portable
  201. Glary Disk Cleaner Portable
  202. Glary Disk Explorer Portable
  203. Glary Malware Hunter Pro Portable
  204. Glary Utilities Portable
  205. Glarysoft Disk SpeedUp Portable
  206. Glarysoft File Recovery Portable
  207. Glarysoft Registry Repair Portable
  208. GoodbyeDPI 0.2.2 Portable
  209. GoodSync Portable
  210. GoogleChrome 129.0.6668.101 Portable
  211. GPU-Z 2.60.0 Portable
  212. HardDisk Sentinel 6.20.3 Portable
  213. Hardentools 2.5 Portable
  214. Hasleo Backup Suite 4.9.0 Portable
  215. Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere Tech 9.3 Portable
  216. Hasleo Data Recovery Tech 6.2 Portable
  217. Hasleo Disk Clone 4.2 Portable
  218. Hasleo Windows ISO Downloader 2.2 Portable
  219. HD Tune Pro 6.00 Portable
  220. HDCleaner 2.081 Portable
  221. Hetman InternetSpy 3.8 Portable
  222. Hetman PartitionRecovery 4.9 Portable
  223. Hetman Uneraser 6.9 Portable
  224. Hibernate Enable-Disable 1.5 Portable
  225. HiBit Startup Manager 2.6.45 Portable
  226. HiBit Uninstaller 3.2.40 Portable
  227. Hide From Uninstall List 1.1 Portable
  228. HijackThis+ Portable
  229. Hosts File Editor+ 1.5.15 Portable
  230. HW Monitor 1.55 Portable
  231. HWiNFO 8.13.5560 Portable
  232. iCare Data Recovery Pro Portable
  233. iFind Data Recovery Portable
  234. Image Explorer Portable
  235. Image Tuner 9.9 Portable
  236. ImgBurn Portable
  237. IM-Magic Partition Resizer Tech 7.1.1 Portable
  238. InternetTest Pro Portable
  239. IObit Driver Booster Portable
  240. IObit Malware Fighter Pro Portable
  241. IObit Smart Defrag Portable
  242. IObit Software Updater Pro Portable
  243. IObit Uninstaller Portable
  244. IP Changer Portable
  245. IPSwitcher Portable
  246. IsMyHdOK 4.11 Portable
  247. IsMyLcdOK 5.81 Portable
  248. IsMyMemoryOK 1.01 Portable
  249. ISO Workshop 13.0 Portable
  250. iTop Data Recovery Pro Portable
  251. Jims Toolbox 5.6.1 Portable
  252. K7 Scanner Portable
  253. KasperskyTDSSKiller 2024-09-1 Portable
  254. KeePass Password Safe 2.57 Portable
  255. KeePassXC Portable
  256. LANState Pro 10.21 Portable
  257. LibreOffice 24.8.2 Portable
  258. LibreWolf 131.0-1 Portable
  259. LicenseCrawler 2.3 Portable
  260. Light Image Resizer Portable
  261. Loaris Trojan Remover 3.2.109 Portable
  262. Macrium Reflect Tech 8.1.8311 Portable
  263. Macrorit Data Wiper 7.2.0 Portable
  264. Macrorit Disk Scanner 6.8.0 Portable
  265. Macrorit Partition Expert 8.2.0 Portable
  266. Macrorit Partition Extender 2.3.2 Portable
  267. Make WinPE 8.6 Portable
  268. Malware Effects Remediation Tool 5.0 Portable
  269. Manage Wireless Networks 1.14 Portable
  270. Master Packager Pro Portable
  271. McAfeeStinger Portable
  272. MediaInfo 24.06 Portable
  273. Microsoft Safety Scanner 1.403.1072 x64
  274. MiniTool Power Data Recovery 12.0 Portable
  275. MiniTool Video Repair Portable
  276. MobiKin Backup Manager for Android 1.3.31 Portable
  277. MobiKin Doctor for iOS 4.0.12 Portable
  278. MobiKin Eraser for Android 4.0.3 Portable
  279. MovieCollector_23.3.5 Portable
  280. MPC-BE 1.8.0 x64 Portable
  281. MPC-HC 2.3.5 Portable
  282. MPC-HC 2.3.6 x64 Portable
  283. MPC-HC 2.3.6 x86 Portable
  284. MSMG ToolKit 13.6 Portable
  285. MusicCollector_23.1.1 Portable
  286. My Lan Viewer 6.0.5 Portable
  287. NetTraffic 1.71.0 Portable
  288. Network Discovery Pro 1.1.314 Portable
  289. Network Profile Name Changer v1.4 Portable
  290. Network Scanner 8.2.0 Portable
  291. NewFileTime 7.33 Portable
  292. NirLauncher Package 1.30.14 Portable
  293. NIUBI Partition Editor 9.9.8 Portable
  294. Notepad++8.7.0 Portable
  295. NTLite 2024.9.10073
  296. OCCT 13.1.10 Portable
  297. Office 2013-2024 C2R Install ++ r17 Portable
  298. Office 2013-2024 License Setup 1.36 Portable
  299. Office Installer 1.18 Portable
  300. Office Installer+ 1.18 Portable
  301. Office Tool Plus 10.16.15 Portable
  302. Office Uninstall 2.0 Portable
  303. OfficeRTool 13.0 Portable
  304. Offline Explorer Portable
  305. OldNewExplorerCfg 1.1.9
  306. OneCommander Pro Portable
  307. ONLYOFFICE x64 Portable
  308. OO AppBuster 1.4.1345 Portable
  309. OO Defrag 29.0.11110 Portable
  310. OO DeskInfo 1.3.1347 Portable
  311. OO DiskStat 4.5.1364 Portable
  312. OO FileBackup 2.2.1377 Portable
  313. OO ShutUp10 1.9.1439 Portable
  314. OperaGX 113.0.5230.108 Portable
  315. Optimizer 16.7 Portable
  316. Optimizer_data folder cleaner
  317. Paint.NET 5.0.13 Portable
  318. Paragon HardDisk Manager Advanced 17.20.17 Portable
  319. PassFab 4EasyPartition Portable
  320. Password Cracker 4.83 Portable
  321. Password Tech 3.5.3 Portable
  322. PC Cleaner Portable
  323. PC Cleaning Utility Pro 3.8.4 Portable
  324. PC Reviver Portable
  325. Perfectly Clear Video Portable
  326. Perfectly Clear Workbench Portable
  327. PerformanceTest 10.2.1002 Portable
  328. Permissions Reporter 4.2.553.0 Portable
  329. PhoneTrans Portable
  330. Photo Pos Pro 4.08.40 Portable
  331. Photo Supreme 2024.2.2.6668 Portable
  332. PortScan 1.98 Portable
  333. PowerISO 8.9 Portable
  334. PowerRun 1.7 Portable
  335. Privacy Eraser Portable
  336. PrivaZer 4.0.94 Portable
  337. Process Explorer 17.06 Portable
  338. Process Monitor 4.01 Portable
  339. Product Key Recovery Tool 2.0.1 Portable
  340. Psiphon 3.183 Portable
  341. PuzzleCollection 2024.03.01 Portable
  342. Quick Any2Ico 3.4.4 Portable
  343. Quick CPU Portable
  344. QuickMemoryTestOK 4.82 Portable
  345. QuickText Paste 8.74 Portable
  346. Radiant Photo Portable
  347. RAM Saver Pro 24.10 Portable
  348. R-Drive Image 7.2.7205 Portable
  349. Recuva Portable
  350. Reg Organizer 9.45 Portable
  351. RegCool 2.014 Portable
  352. RegScanner 2.75 Portable
  353. Remote ProcessExplorer 22.10 Portable
  354. Rename Expert 5.31.8 Portable
  355. Rename Master 3.19 Portable
  356. ReNamer Portable
  357. RepairKit 1.2.3 Portable
  358. Resource Hacker 5.2.7 Portable
  359. Resource Tuner 2.24 Portable
  360. Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.3.0 Portable
  361. R-Studio 9.4.191359 Portable
  362. Rufus 4.5 Portable
  363. RunAsTool 1.5 Portable
  364. Run-Command 6.17 Portable
  365. R-WipeClean 20.0.2477 Portable
  366. S.O.S Security Suite Portable
  367. ScanMyReg 4.2 Portable
  368. ScreenHunter Pro 7.0.1461 Portable
  369. Secret Disk Pro 2023.04 Portable
  370. Secure Delete Pro 2024.00 Portable
  371. Secure Eraser Pro 6.108 Portable
  372. Shadow Copy Explorer Portable
  373. Shortcuts Search And Replace 2.4 Portable
  374. Show Hidden Windows 1.0.0 Portable
  375. SIV 5.77 Portable
  376. Skip UAC 1.2 Portable
  377. Skype Portable
  378. Smart Driver Manager 7.1.1205 Portable
  379. Smart PC Optimizer Pro Portable
  380. Smart PC Pro Portable
  381. Smart SystemMenu 2.27.2 Portable
  382. Smarty Uninstaller 4.83.0 Portable
  383. Soft Organizer 9.55 Portable
  384. SophiApp 1.0.97 Portable
  385. Speccy 1.33.079 Portable
  386. Speedtest by Ookla Portable
  387. SpinRite 6.1.4 Portable
  388. Spotify Portable
  389. Spybot 2.9.85 Portable
  390. SpyZooka Pro Portable
  391. SSD Booster .NET 17.17 Portable
  392. SSD Fresh Plus 2025 14.0.56618 Portable
  393. StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403 Portable
  394. Store Apps Tool 1.1 Portable
  395. StressMyPC 5.31 Portable
  396. Portable
  397. SUMo 5.17.10 Portable
  398. SUPER Anti Spyware ProX 10.0.1268 Portable
  399. SyMenu 8.3.8944 Portable
  400. Synchredible Pro 8.206 Portable
  401. SysinternalsSuite 23.07.2024 Portable
  402. System Ninja 4.0.1 Portable
  403. System Transparency Portable
  404. System Utilities 1.1.1 Portable
  405. SysTools HardDrive Data Recovery Portable
  406. Task Explorer 1.5.3 Portable
  407. Task Manager DeLuxe Portable
  408. TeamViewer 15.58.5 Portable
  409. Telegram 5.6.1 Portable
  410. Temp Cleaner 1.3 Portable
  411. Tor Browser 13.5.4 Portable
  412. Total Uninstall 7.6.1 Portable
  413. Total Uninstaller 2024 Portable
  414. TotalCMD 11.03 Portable
  415. TreeSize Portable
  416. Trojan Remover Portable
  417. TweakNow WinSecret Plus 5.7.3 Portable
  418. TweakPower 2.061 Portable
  419. Tweak-SSD v2
  420. Ultra Adware Killer Portable
  421. UltraISO Portable
  422. UltraSearch Portable
  423. UnHackMe 15.30 Portable
  424. Uninstall Tool Portable
  425. Uninstall View 1.51 Portable
  426. Uninstalr 2.5 Portable
  427. Universal USB Installer Portable
  428. USB Device Tree Viewer Portable
  429. USB FORMAT 7.1 Portable
  430. USB Repair Portable
  431. USB Safely Remove Portable
  432. Ventoy 1.0.99 Portable
  433. VeraCrypt 1.26.15 Portable
  434. Vit Registry Fix 14.9.4 Portable
  435. Vivald 6.9.3447.54 Portable
  436. VLC 3.0.21 Portable
  437. Volume2 Portable
  438. W10 Privacy Portable
  439. WAU Manager (Windows Automatic Updates) Portable
  440. WebBrowserPass View 2.12 Portable
  441. Why Cant I Connect 1.12.4 Portable
  442. WhyNotWin11 Portable
  443. WiFi Guard 2.2.2 Portable
  444. WiFi Scanner 22.11 Portable
  445. WifiInfo View 2.94 Portable
  446. Win 10 All Settings Portable
  447. Win 10 Tweaker 20.2 Portable
  448. Win 11 Tweaker 1.0.0 Portable
  449. Win ISO Downloader 2.2 Portable
  450. Winaero Tweaker Portable
  451. Winamp 99.11.18916 Portable
  452. WinBin2Iso 6.36.001 Portable
  453. WinClean 1.3.1 Portable
  454. WinContig Portable
  455. Windows 11 Classic Context Menu 1.2 Portable
  456. Windows App Remover 1.6.2 Portable
  457. Windows Firewall Control Portable
  458. Windows Manager 2.0.5 Portable
  459. Windows Memory Cleaner 2.8 Portable
  460. Windows Repair Toolbox Portable
  461. Windows Repair Unlocked 4.9.5 Portable
  462. Windows Services Manager 1.0 Portable
  463. Windows Update Blocker 1.8 Portable
  464. Windows Update MiniTool 22.04.2022 Portable
  465. Windows Update Reset Tool Portable
  466. WinNT Setup Portable
  467. Winpilot 2024.7.1 Portable
  468. WinSetView 2.99 Portable
  469. WinSlap 1.8 Portable
  470. WinSnap 6.1.2 Portable
  471. WinToHDD 6.5 Tech Portable
  472. Pro 24.10.1 Portable
  473. WinToUSB 9.0.0 Portable
  474. WinTune 2.5.3 Portable
  475. WinUtilities 15.89 Portable
  476. Wipe Pro 2408 Portable
  477. Wireless Network Watcher 2.41 Portable
  478. Wireless Password Recovery Pro Portable
  479. WirelessNet View 1.75 Portable
  480. Wise Care 365 Portable
  481. Wise Data Recovery Portable
  482. Wise Disk Cleaner Portable
  483. Wise Duplicate Finder Portable
  484. Wise Folder Hider Portable
  485. Wise Memory Optimizer Portable
  486. Wise Program Uninstaller Portable
  487. Wise Registry Cleaner Portable
  488. WizTree 4.20 Portable
  489. WSCC Portable
  490. xd-AntiSpy 4.13 Portable
  491. XnView 2.51.6 Portable
  492. XToolBox 4.2 Portable
  493. XtraTools Pro 24.9.1 Portable
  494. XYplorer 26.50 Portable
  495. YUMI exFAT Portable
  496. YUMI- Portable
  497. YUMI-UEFI- Portable
  498. Zero Install 2.25.12 Portable
  499. ZInfo cpuz Portable
  500. ZInfo gpuz Portable
  501. ZInfo pciz Portable
  502. ZInfo ssdz Portable


Ngoài ra, phiên bản này còn có sẵn một số game cổ điển: chess, freecell, Mahjong, mshearts, PINBALL, sol, Solitaire, spider, SpiderSolitaire, winmine

Con trỏ chuột:

Bạn có thể thay đổi con trỏ chuột với nhiều theme khác nhau có sẵn trong thư mục “Desktop\Morph’s_Desktop_Apps\Optional\Cursor installs”.

Danh sách con trỏ chuột:

Addicted, ALIEN_DARK, ALIEN_RETURN_RED, ALIENWARE, Apocalypse, Aquaman, battlefield-3, Blaze, blue_alien, BlueThunder, Bouquet_Dark, Bouquet_Light, BouquetDark, BouquetLight, Breeze, Breeze_Snow, Breeze_Snow_x2, Breeze_x2, Broken10, cakeOS Dark, cakeOS Light, cakeOSDark, cakeOSLight, Catppuccin-Latte-Blue-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Dark-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Flamingo-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Green-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Lavender-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Light-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Maroon-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Mauve-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Peach-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Pink-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Red-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Rosewater-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Sapphire-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Sky-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Teal-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Yellow-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Blue-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Dark-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Flamingo-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Green-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Lavender-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Light-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Maroon-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Mauve-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Peach-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Pink-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Red-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Rosewater-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Sapphire-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Sky-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Teal-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Yellow-Cursors, coal, CobaltBlades, Cyberpunk, Darkcur, DarklingEvolved, DiabloIII, dreamlandGREEN, Droid, ElviraCrushedVelvet, Evolution, EZMachine, FireDragon, Glass_Maxx, Gradient_Red, GradientBlue, Hardwired, HardwiredRyzenBlue, HUDMachineRed, Innie, KinetikAquaX, LAUNCH, Magnum, MB_Metal, MBMetalReligion, MoltaBellaBlue, MoltaBellaCyan, MoltaBellaDay, MoltaBellaMagenta, MoltaBellaMint, MoltaBellaNeonBlue, MoltaBellaNeonGreen, MoltaBellaNeonYellow, MoltaBellaNight, MoltaBellaOrange, MoltaBellaPurple, MoltaBellaRed, MSOneGreen, NoisyBoy, Nucleus, oreo black, oreo_blue, oreo_dark, oreo_green, oreo_light, oreo_light_pink, oreo_lime, oreo_orange, oreo_pink, oreo_purple, oreo_red, oreo_violet, oreo_white, Oxygen, pointblack, Poison, Prowler, Pulse, Re_Digitized, RedBlackShardNon-Tail, RedBlackShardTailed, Revenge_Red, RoadWarrior, Rockstar, SHARP_Green, SHARP_Red, Slick_tech, SolarExplorer, SpecialEditionSE, STARCRUISER, STEALTH, tronnix, UISTA, VectorglossBlack, VectorglossBlue, VectorglossDarkBlue, VectorglossGreen, VectorglossGrey, VectorglossOrange, VectorglossPink, VectorglossPurple, VectorglossRed, VectorglossTorquoise, VectorglossWhite, VectorglossYellow, Vengeance, x-black-2-blue, Xenon_premiumblue, Xenon_premiumcoral, Xenon_premiumgreen, Xenon_premiumorange, Xenon_premiumpink, Xenon_premiumpurple, Xenon_premiumred, Xenon_premiumwhite, Xenon_premiumyellow

Các thành phần bị loại bỏ

  • aarsvc ‘Agent Activation Runtime’
  • accessibility ‘Accessibility tools (Ease of Access)’
  • accessibility_magnifier ‘Screen Magnifier’
  • accessibility_narrator ‘Narrator’
  • actioncenter ‘Action Center’
  • activedirectory ‘Active Directory’
  • adamclient ‘Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS)’
  • asimov ‘Telemetry Client’
  • ‘.NET assembly cache’
  • assignedaccess ‘Assigned Access’
  • audit ‘Windows Audit’
  • autoplay
  • azuread ‘Azure Active Directory’
  • backup ‘Backup and Restore’
  • biometric ‘Biometric – Support’
  • biometricservice ‘Biometric – Service’
  • ceip ‘CEIP (SQM)’
  • cellulartime ‘Cellular Time’
  • clipboardusersvc ‘Clipboard User Service’
  • cloudid ‘Microsoft Cloud Identity Service’
  • cloudnotifications ‘Cloud Notifications’
  • copilotpwa ‘Windows Copilot (InboxApp)’
  • deviceguard ‘Device Guard’
  • deviceupdatecenter ‘Device Update Center’
  • directml ‘Direct Machine Learning (DirectML)’
  • driver_c_barcodescanner.inf
  • driver_c_cashdrawer.inf
  • driver_c_fdc.inf
  • driver_c_floppydisk.inf
  • driver_c_linedisplay.inf
  • driver_c_magneticstripereader.inf
  • driver_c_receiptprinter.inf
  • driver_c_smrdisk.inf
  • driver_c_smrvolume.inf
  • driver_c_tapedrive.inf
  • driver_fdc.inf
  • driver_flpydisk.inf
  • driver_hidscanner.inf
  • driver_idtsec.inf
  • driver_mgtdyn.inf
  • driver_oposdrv.inf
  • driver_remoteposdrv.inf
  • driver_smrdisk.inf
  • driver_smrvolume.inf
  • driver_spaceport.inf
  • driver_tape.inf
  • driver_wdmvsc.inf
  • driver_wfcvsc.inf
  • driver_wgencounter.inf
  • driver_whvcrash.inf
  • driver_whyperkbd.inf
  • driver_wnetvsc.inf
  • driver_ws3cap.inf
  • driver_wstorflt.inf
  • driver_wstorvsc.inf
  • driver_wvid.inf
  • driver_wvmbus.inf
  • driver_wvmbushid.inf
  • driver_wvmbusvideo.inf
  • driver_wvmgid.inf
  • driver_wvmic.inf
  • driver_wvmic_ext.inf
  • driver_wvpci.inf
  • dvdplay ‘DVD Play’
  • easeofaccessthemes ‘Ease Of Access Themes’
  • embeddedmode ‘Embedded Mode’
  • enterpriseclientsync ‘Work Folders Client’
  • enterprisedataprotection ‘Enterprise Data Protection (EDP/WIP)’
  • errorreporting ‘Windows Error Reporting’
  • facerecognition ‘Face Recognition’
  • firstlogonanim ‘First-logon animation’
  • flipgridpwa ‘Flipgrid PWA (InboxApp)’
  • font_malgungothicbold ‘Malgun Gothic Bold’
  • font_microsoftjhengheibold ‘Microsoft JhengHei Bold & Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold’
  • font_microsoftjhengheilight ‘Microsoft JhengHei Light & Microsoft JhengHei UI Light’
  • font_microsoftyaheibold ‘Microsoft YaHei Bold & Microsoft YaHei UI Bold’
  • font_microsoftyaheilight ‘Microsoft YaHei Light & Microsoft YaHei UI Light’
  • font_mingliub ‘MingLiU-ExtB & PMingLiU-ExtB & MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB’
  • font_simsun ‘SimSun & NSimSun’
  • font_simsunb ‘SimSun-ExtB’
  • font_yugothic ‘Yu Gothic Regular & Yu Gothic UI Semilight’
  • font_yugothicbold ‘Yu Gothic Bold & Yu Gothic UI Semibold & Yu Gothic UI Bold’
  • font_yugothiclight ‘Yu Gothic Light & Yu Gothic UI Light’
  • font_yugothicmedium ‘Yu Gothic Medium & Yu Gothic UI Regular’
  • graphicsperfsvc ‘Graphics performance monitor service’
  • guardedhost ‘Guarded Host’
  • hwsupport_floppy ‘Floppy disk’
  • hwsupport_tv ‘TV Tuner codecs and support’
  • hyperv ‘Hyper-V’
  • hypervguest ‘Hyper-V Integration Services’
  • iis ‘Internet Information Server (IIS)’
  • indeo ‘Intel Indeo Codecs’
  • insiderhub ‘Windows Insider Program’
  • isoburn ‘Windows Disc Image Burning Tool’
  • isolatedusermode ‘Virtualization-based security (VBS)’
  • langafrikaans ‘Afrikaans’
  • langalbanian ‘Albanian’
  • langamharic ‘Amharic’
  • langarabic ‘Arabic’
  • langarmenian ‘Armenian’
  • langassamese ‘Assamese’
  • langazerbaijani ‘Azerbaijani’
  • langbasque ‘Basque’
  • langbelarusian ‘Belarusian’
  • langbengali_india ‘Bengali (India)’
  • langbosnian ‘Bosnian’
  • langbulgarian ‘Bulgarian’
  • langcatalan ‘Catalan’
  • langcherokee ‘Cherokee’
  • langchineses ‘Chinese Simplified’
  • langchineset ‘Chinese Traditional’
  • langcroatian ‘Croatian’
  • langczech ‘Czech’
  • langdanish ‘Danish’
  • langdutch ‘Dutch’
  • langenglishgb ‘English (GB)’
  • langestonian ‘Estonian’
  • langfilipino ‘Filipino’
  • langfinnish ‘Finnish’
  • langfrench ‘French’
  • langfrenchcanadian ‘French (Canadian)’
  • langgalician ‘Galician’
  • langgeorgian ‘Georgian’
  • langgerman ‘German’
  • langgreek ‘Greek’
  • langgujarati ‘Gujarati’
  • langhebrew ‘Hebrew’
  • langhindi ‘Hindi’
  • langhungarian ‘Hungarian’
  • langicelandic ‘Icelandic’
  • langime ‘Input Method Editor (IME)’
  • langimejp ‘Japanese (IME)’
  • langimeko ‘Korean (IME)’
  • langimetc ‘Chinese Traditional (IME)’
  • langindonesian ‘Indonesian’
  • langirish ‘Irish’
  • langitalian ‘Italian’
  • langjapanese ‘Japanese’
  • langkannada ‘Kannada’
  • langkazakh ‘Kazakh’
  • langkhmer ‘Khmer’
  • langkonkani ‘Konkani’
  • langkorean ‘Korean’
  • langlao ‘Lao’
  • langlatvian ‘Latvian’
  • langlithuanian ‘Lithuanian’
  • langluxembourgish ‘Luxembourgish’
  • langmacedonian ‘Macedonian’
  • langmalay_malaysia ‘Malay (Malaysia)’
  • langmalayalam ‘Malayalam’
  • langmaltese ‘Maltese’
  • langmaori ‘Maori’
  • langmarathi ‘Marathi’
  • langnepali ‘Nepali’
  • langnorwegian ‘Norwegian’
  • langodia ‘Odia’
  • langpersian ‘Persian’
  • langpolish ‘Polish’
  • langportuguesebr ‘Portuguese (Brazilian)’
  • langportuguesept ‘Portuguese’
  • langpunjabi ‘Punjabi’
  • langquechua ‘Quechua’
  • langromanian ‘Romanian’
  • langrussian ‘Russian’
  • langscottish ‘Scottish’
  • langserbian ‘Serbian’
  • langslovak ‘Slovak’
  • langslovenian ‘Slovenian’
  • langspanish ‘Spanish’
  • langswedish ‘Swedish’
  • langtamil ‘Tamil’
  • langtatar ‘Tatar’
  • langtelugu ‘Telugu’
  • langthai ‘Thai’
  • langturkish ‘Turkish’
  • langukrainian ‘Ukrainian’
  • langurdu ‘Urdu’
  • languyghur ‘Uyghur’
  • languzbek ‘Uzbek’
  • langvalencian ‘Valencian’
  • langvietnamese ‘Vietnamese’
  • langwelsh ‘Welsh’
  • laps ‘Windows Local Administrator Password Solution(LAPS)’
  • livecaptions ‘Live Captions’
  • location ‘Location Service’
  • mail ‘Windows Mail’
  • manifestbackup ‘Manifest Backup (WinSxS\Backup)’
  • mapcontrol ‘Map Control’
  • messagingsvc ‘Messaging Service’
  • microsoft.accountscontrol ‘Email and accounts’
  • microsoft.asynctextservice ‘AsyncTextService’
  • microsoft.bioenrollment ‘Windows Hello Setup’
  • microsoft.ecapp ‘Eye Control’
  • microsoft.microsoftedge.stable ‘Microsoft Edge (Chromium)’
  • microsoft.microsoftedgedevtoolsclient ‘Microsoft Edge DevTools Client’
  • ‘SmartScreen’
  • ‘Assigned Access Lock app’
  • ‘Content Delivery Manager’
  • ‘Narrator’
  • ‘Microsoft Family Safety’
  • ‘Microsoft Photos’
  • ‘Take a Test’
  • microsoftwindows.client.webexperience ‘Windows Web Experience Pack’
  • mixedreality ‘Windows Mixed Reality’
  • mmga ‘MMGA MAPI’
  • mobilepc_location ‘Location notifications’
  • mpeg2splitter ‘MPEG-2 Splitter’
  • multipointconnector ‘MultiPoint Connector’
  • ndu ‘Network Data Usage Monitoring Driver’
  • nowplaying ‘Now Playing Session Manager’
  • offlinefiles ‘Offline Files’
  • onedrive
  • outlookpwa ‘Outlook PWA (InboxApp)’
  • pdfreader ‘Windows Reader (PDF)’
  • perfmon ‘Performance Monitor’
  • performancerecorder ‘Windows Performance Recorder’
  • perftools ‘Performance CMD Tools for Tracing’
  • picturepassword ‘Picture password’
  • pinsignin ‘PIN sign-in support’
  • pla ‘Performance Logs and Alerts’
  • pos ‘Point of Service (POS)’
  • pushnotificationssvc ‘Windows Push Notifications Service (System)’
  • pwdless ‘Intelligent Passwordless task’
  • reliabilityanalysis ‘Reliability Analysis Services’
  • remoteassistance ‘Remote Assistance’
  • remoteregistry ‘Remote Registry’
  • retaildemo ‘Retail Demo Content’
  • rotationmanager ‘Auto-Rotation Manager’
  • screensavers
  • scripto
  • sharedpc ‘Shared PC mode’
  • simpletcp ‘Simple TCP/IP services’
  • skypeortc ‘Skype ORTC’
  • sleepstudy ‘Sleep Study’
  • soundsdefault ‘Sounds (Default)’
  • soundthemes ‘Sound Themes’
  • spellchecking ‘Spell Checking’
  • srumon ‘Data Usage service’
  • startexperiencesapp ‘Start Experiences (InboxApp)’
  • storagespaces ‘Storage Spaces’
  • sustainabilityservice ‘Sustainability Service’
  • synccenter ‘Sync Center’
  • targetedcontent32 ‘Targeted Content Service – 32 bit’
  • tempcache ‘Cache and temp files’
  • textprediction ‘Text prediction’
  • tftpclient ‘TFTP client’
  • tieringengine ‘Storage Tiers Management’
  • timetraveldebugger ‘Time Travel Debugger (TTD)’
  • userdeviceregistration ‘User Device Registration’
  • wificloudstore ‘WiFi Sync Provider’
  • wifinetworkmanager ‘Wi-Fi Network Manager (Wi-Fi Sense)’
  • winai ‘Windows AI Machine Learning’
  • windows.cbspreview ‘Windows Barcode Preview’
  • windowstogo ‘Windows To Go’
  • winocr ‘Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR)’
  • winsat ‘Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT)’

Ảnh chụp màn hình:


















Download Morphs Win11 24H2 26100.2152 Tweaked FullApps Office2024 Oct2024 NO TPM

PhanMem.Me đang Get link, vui lòng chờ trong:

MD5 : 687CF8F62F2418A3B15472E0F13722A2
SHA1 : E447E4A4EFA0E88A4BB637F51E26DEF3E2C95790

Hướng dẫn cài đặt:

Có thể sử dụng các cách sau để cài đặt:

  1. Cài trực tiếp trên Windows, không cần USB bằng WinToHDD.
    Cách Cài Win 11/10/8/7/Windows Server Từ Ổ Cứng Bằng WinToHDD
  2. Tạo USB Boot chứa file iso, sau đó boot từ usb và cài đặt.
    Hướng Dẫn Tạo USB Cài Win 10, 11 Bằng Rufus Chuẩn UEFI Và Legacy
    Tạo USB Boot chứa file iso cài Windows 10, 11 bằng Ventoy
    Cách tạo USB Boot cài Win 11, 10, 8, 7 bằng Windows USB/DVD Download Tool
  3. Tạo USB Multiboot, sau đó vào winpe cài đặt bằng WinNT Setup
    Cách cài Win 11, 10, 8.1, 7 bằng WinNT Setup trong WinPE
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