Windows 11 23H2 Lite 3810 có Office 2021 Bypass TPM
Win 11 23H2 Lite 3810 có Office 2021 Bypass TPM
Được tác giả Morphs xây dựng từ Windows 11 Pro build 22631.3810, cài sẵn một số phần mềm cần thiết, bỏ qua yêu cầu TPM 2.0, Secure Boot, RAM, CPU khi cài đặt Win 11. Bản Windows 11 23H2 Pro Lite này có sẵn nhiều phần mềm portable (giải nén dùng ngay) để ở ổ C, và được lược bỏ một số thành phần không cần thiết giúp hệ thống hoạt động nhanh, mượt, khởi động nhanh hơn so với Windows gốc.
Thông tin cơ bản
- Windows 11 23H2 build 22631.3810 64bit
- Kích thước file: 11.5 GB
- Ngôn ngữ: En_US
- Tác giả: Morphs Creations
- Nén: Esd
- Kích thước sau khi cài đặt: 35 GB
- Đã kích hoạt sẵn .Net Framework 3.5 (bao gồm 3.0 & 2.0)
- Microsoft Store hoạt động, bạn sẽ được nhắc cập nhật Store khi khởi động lần đầu tiên
- Windows Update hoạt động
- Có một thư mục sao lưu trên màn hình bao gồm các tệp đã sửa đổi và chưa sửa đổi cho basebrd và theme .dll
Chỉ cần chạy phiên bản .cmd tương ứng mà bạn muốn khôi phục hoặc sửa đổi lại, đặc biệt là sau khi Windows Update đã đặt lại các tệp dll - Bạn cũng có thể chạy UltraUXThemePatcher cho các dll chủ đề, có sẵn trong ‘Start Menu\Programs\Morph’s Apps’ hoặc ‘Desktop\Morph’s_Desktop_Apps\Optional’
- Windows chưa được kích hoạt, bạn có thể mua key bản quyền Win 11 Pro hoặc sử dụng công cụ trong thư mục: ‘Desktop\Morph’s_Desktop_Apps\Activation’
- Startisback báo lỗi khi chạy lần đầu nhưng chỉ cần nhấp vào ‘enable’ và khởi động lại máy.
- Tất cả các ứng dụng được cập nhật đến ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 2024.
Các phần mềm được cài đặt sẵn
- Microsoft Office 2021 LTSC
- 7z-x64.exe
- Ac3filter.exe
- ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe
- Desktop_Restore.msi
- DirectX_Setup_silent.exe
- iobit_unlocker.exe
- K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Mega.exe
- lightshot.exe
- OldCalcWin10.exe
- oo_diskimage_pro.exe
- Shortcut_Manager.msi
- startback_aio.exe
- VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe
- windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.31-win-x64.exe
- windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.31-win-x86.exe
- windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.20-win-x64.exe
- windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.20-win-x86.exe
- windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.6-win-x64.exe
- windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.6-win-x86.exe
- winrarx64.exe
Các trò chơi cũ:
chess, freecell, Mahjong, mshearts, PINBALL, sol, Solitaire, spider, SpiderSolitaire, winmine
Các thành phần được lược bỏ
aarsvc ‘Agent Activation Runtime’, accessibility ‘Accessibility tools (Ease of Access)’, accessibility_cursors ‘Mouse Pointers (Accessibility tools)’, accessibility_magnifier ‘Screen Magnifier’, accessibility_narrator ‘Narrator’, actioncenter ‘Action Center’, activedirectory ‘Active Directory’, adamclient ‘Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS)’, alljoyn ‘AllJoyn Router Service’, asimov ‘Telemetry Client’, ‘.NET assembly cache’, assignedaccess ‘Assigned Access’, audit ‘Windows Audit’, autoplay, azuread ‘Azure Active Directory’, backup ‘Backup and Restore’, bingsearch ‘Bing Search (InboxApp)’, biometric ‘Biometric – Support’, biometricservice ‘Biometric – Service’, ceip ‘CEIP (SQM)’, cellulartime ‘Cellular Time’, clipboardusersvc ‘Clipboard User Service’, clouddesktop ‘Cloud Desktop’, clouddownload ‘Windows Recovery (WinRE) – Cloud download’, cloudid ‘Microsoft Cloud Identity Service’, cloudnotifications ‘Cloud Notifications’, containers ‘Containers (Application Guard)’, copilotpwa ‘Windows Copilot (InboxApp)’, desktopimgdownldr ‘Desktop image downloader’, deviceguard ‘Device Guard’, directml ‘Direct Machine Learning (DirectML)’, diskdiagnosis ‘Disk failure diagnostics’, driver_c_barcodescanner.inf, driver_c_cashdrawer.inf, driver_c_fdc.inf, driver_c_floppydisk.inf, driver_c_linedisplay.inf, driver_c_magneticstripereader.inf, driver_c_receiptprinter.inf, driver_c_smrdisk.inf, driver_c_smrvolume.inf, driver_ehstorpwddrv.inf, driver_ehstortcgdrv.inf, driver_fdc.inf, driver_flpydisk.inf, driver_hidscanner.inf, driver_idtsec.inf, driver_mgtdyn.inf, driver_oposdrv.inf, driver_perceptionsimulationheadset.inf, driver_rawsilo.inf, driver_remoteposdrv.inf, driver_smrdisk.inf, driver_smrvolume.inf, driver_spaceport.inf, driver_wdmvsc.inf, driver_wfcvsc.inf, driver_wgencounter.inf, driver_whvcrash.inf, driver_whyperkbd.inf, driver_wnetvsc.inf, driver_ws3cap.inf, driver_wstorflt.inf, driver_wstorvsc.inf, driver_wstorvsp.inf, driver_wvid.inf, driver_wvmbus.inf, driver_wvmbushid.inf, driver_wvmbusr.inf, driver_wvmbusvideo.inf, driver_wvmgid.inf, driver_wvmic.inf, driver_wvmic_ext.inf, driver_wvpci.inf, driver_wvpcivsp.inf, driver_xboxgipsynthetic.inf, dvdplay ‘DVD Play’, embeddedexperience ‘Device Lockdown (Embedded Experience)’, embeddedmode ‘Embedded Mode’, enhancedstorage ‘Enhanced Storage’, enterpriseclientsync ‘Work Folders Client’, enterprisedataprotection ‘Enterprise Data Protection (EDP/WIP)’, errorreporting ‘Windows Error Reporting’, facerecognition ‘Face Recognition’, firstlogonanim ‘First-logon animation’, flipgridpwa ‘Flipgrid PWA (InboxApp)’, font_holomd2 ‘Holo MDL2 Assets’, font_malgungothicbold ‘Malgun Gothic Bold’, font_microsoftjhengheibold ‘Microsoft JhengHei Bold & Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold’, font_microsoftjhengheilight ‘Microsoft JhengHei Light & Microsoft JhengHei UI Light’, font_microsoftyaheibold ‘Microsoft YaHei Bold & Microsoft YaHei UI Bold’, font_microsoftyaheilight ‘Microsoft YaHei Light & Microsoft YaHei UI Light’, font_mingliub ‘MingLiU-ExtB & PMingLiU-ExtB & MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB’, font_simsun ‘SimSun & NSimSun’, font_simsunb ‘SimSun-ExtB’, font_yugothic ‘Yu Gothic Regular & Yu Gothic UI Semilight’, font_yugothicbold ‘Yu Gothic Bold & Yu Gothic UI Semibold & Yu Gothic UI Bold’, font_yugothiclight ‘Yu Gothic Light & Yu Gothic UI Light’, font_yugothicmedium ‘Yu Gothic Medium & Yu Gothic UI Regular’, graphicsperfsvc ‘Graphics performance monitor service’, guardedhost ‘Guarded Host’, hwsupport_floppy ‘Floppy disk’, hwsupport_tv ‘TV Tuner codecs and support’, hyperv ‘Hyper-V’, hypervguest ‘Hyper-V Integration Services’, iis ‘Internet Information Server (IIS)’, indeo ‘Intel Indeo Codecs’, insiderhub ‘Windows Insider Program’, isoburn ‘Windows Disc Image Burning Tool’, isolatedusermode ‘Virtualization-based security (VBS)’, langarabic ‘Arabic’, langbasque ‘Basque’, langbulgarian ‘Bulgarian’, langcatalan ‘Catalan’, langchineses ‘Chinese Simplified’, langchineset ‘Chinese Traditional’, langcroatian ‘Croatian’, langczech ‘Czech’, langdanish ‘Danish’, langdutch ‘Dutch’, langenglishgb ‘English (GB)’, langestonian ‘Estonian’, langfinnish ‘Finnish’, langfrench ‘French’, langfrenchcanadian ‘French (Canadian)’, langgalician ‘Galician’, langgerman ‘German’, langgreek ‘Greek’, langhebrew ‘Hebrew’, langhungarian ‘Hungarian’, langime ‘Input Method Editor (IME)’, langimejp ‘Japanese (IME)’, langimeko ‘Korean (IME)’, langimetc ‘Chinese Traditional (IME)’, langindonesian ‘Indonesian’, langitalian ‘Italian’, langjapanese ‘Japanese’, langkorean ‘Korean’, langlatvian ‘Latvian’, langlithuanian ‘Lithuanian’, langnorwegian ‘Norwegian’, langpolish ‘Polish’, langportuguesebr ‘Portuguese (Brazilian)’, langportuguesept ‘Portuguese’, langromanian ‘Romanian’, langrussian ‘Russian’, langserbian ‘Serbian’, langslovak ‘Slovak’, langslovenian ‘Slovenian’, langspanish ‘Spanish’, langswedish ‘Swedish’, langthai ‘Thai’, langturkish ‘Turkish’, langukrainian ‘Ukrainian’, langvietnamese ‘Vietnamese’, livecaptions ‘Live Captions’, location ‘Location Service’, lpasvc ‘Local Profile Assistant Service’, mail ‘Windows Mail’, manifestbackup ‘Manifest Backup (WinSxS\Backup)’, mapcontrol ‘Map Control’, mediaplayernetworksharing32 ‘WMP Network Sharing Service – 32 bit’, messagingsvc ‘Messaging Service’, microsoft.asynctextservice ‘AsyncTextService’, microsoft.bioenrollment ‘Windows Hello Setup’, microsoft.ecapp ‘Eye Control’, microsoft.microsoftedgedevtoolsclient ‘Microsoft Edge DevTools Client’, ‘SmartScreen’, ‘Assigned Access Lock app’, ‘Call’, ‘Content Delivery Manager’, ‘Narrator’, ‘Microsoft family features’, ‘Microsoft Photos’, ‘Take a Test’, microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps ‘Mail and Calendar’, microsoftwindows.client.webexperience ‘Windows Web Experience Pack’, mixedreality ‘Windows Mixed Reality’, mmga ‘MMGA MAPI’, mobilepc_location ‘Location notifications’, mpeg2splitter ‘MPEG-2 Splitter’, multipointconnector ‘MultiPoint Connector’, naturallanglegacy ‘Natural Language – Legacy’, ndu ‘Network Data Usage Monitoring Driver’, netbios ‘NetBIOS over TCP transport’, nowplaying ‘Now Playing Session Manager’, offlinefiles ‘Offline Files’, onedrive, osk_acc ‘On-Screen Keyboard (Accessibility tools)’, oskthemes ‘On-Screen Keyboard (Windows Personalization themes)’, outlookpwa ‘Outlook PWA (InboxApp)’, pdfreader ‘Windows Reader (PDF)’, penservice ‘Pen Service’, perfmon ‘Performance Monitor’, performancerecorder ‘Windows Performance Recorder’, perftools ‘Performance CMD Tools for Tracing’, pla ‘Performance Logs and Alerts’, pos ‘Point of Service (POS)’, projfs ‘Projected File System (ProjFS)’, pushnotificationssvc ‘Windows Push Notifications Service (System)’, quiethours ‘Quiet Hours (Focus Assist)’, reliabilityanalysis ‘Reliability Analysis Services’, remoteassistance ‘Remote Assistance’, remoteregistry ‘Remote Registry’, retaildemo ‘Retail Demo Content’, rotationmanager ‘Auto-Rotation Manager’, screensavers, search ‘Windows Search’, sharedpc ‘Shared PC mode’, simpletcp ‘Simple TCP/IP services’, skypeortc ‘Skype ORTC’, sleepstudy ‘Sleep Study’, smartworkflows ‘Smart Workflows’, smbv1 ‘SMB v1’, smsrouter ‘SMS Router Service’, soundsdefault ‘Sounds (Default)’, soundthemes ‘Sound Themes’, spellchecking ‘Spell Checking’, srumon ‘Data Usage service’, startexperiencesapp ‘Start Experiences (InboxApp)’, storageqos ‘Storage Quality of Service (Storage QoS)’, storagespaces ‘Storage Spaces’, sustainabilityservice ‘Sustainability Service’, synccenter ‘Sync Center’, tabletpc ‘Tablet PC’, targetedcontent32 ‘Targeted Content Service – 32 bit’, telnetclient ‘Telnet Client’, tempcache ‘Cache and temp files’, textprediction ‘Text prediction’, tftpclient ‘TFTP client’, tieringengine ‘Storage Tiers Management’, timetraveldebugger ‘Time Travel Debugger (TTD)’, tpmmmc32 ‘Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (management console) – 32 bit’, unp ‘Universal Notification Platform (UNP)’, userdeviceregistration ‘User Device Registration’, winai ‘Windows AI Machine Learning’, windows.cbspreview ‘Windows Barcode Preview’, windowstogo ‘Windows To Go’, winocr ‘Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR)’, winsat ‘Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT)’, wwanautoconfig ‘WWAN AutoConfig’
Các phần mềm Portable có sẵn
Có sẵn các phần mềm Portable thông dụng, giải nén dùng ngay không cần cài đặt tại thư mục C:\ProgramData\Morph’s Apps\
4DDiG DLL Fixer Portable, 4K Video Downloader Portable, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 5.15.1 Portable, 7tsp GUI v0.6(2019) Portable, 7-Zip 24.07 Portable, Abelssoft PC Fresh 2024 10.01.54545 Portable, Abelssoft Win11PrivacyFix 2025 4.0.54970 Portable, Advanced Renamer 3.95.4 Portable, AIDA64 Extreme Edition 7.30.6910 Portable, AllDup 4.5.60 Portable, Antivirus Removal Tool 2024.07 Portable, AnyBurn Pro 6.0 Portable, AnyToISO Pro Portable, AOMEI Backupper 7.3.5 Portable, AOMEI MyRecover 3.6.1 Tech Portable, AOMEI Partition Assistant 10.4.0 Portable, Ascomp Cleaning Suite 4.013 Portable, Autorun Organizer 5.40 Portable, Autoruns 14.11 Portable, Care U Eyes Portable, CCleaner Portable, CCleaner winapp2ool, ChrisPC Free VPN Connection 4.10.26 Portable, ChrisPC Proxy Pro 9.23.1005 Portable, ChrisPC RAM Booster 7.24.0115 Portable, Classic Volume Control Portable, CloseAll 5.9 Portable, Complete Internet Repair Portable, CPUID HWMonitor Pro 1.53 Portable, CpuTemp Portable, CPU-Z 2.09 Portable, Crystal Disk Info 9.3.2 Portable, CrystalDisk Info 1.0.5 Portable, CrystalDisk Mark 1.0.5 Portable, CrystalDisk Mark Retro 1.0.5 Portable, DAMN NFO Viewer 2.10 Portable, DDU Portable, Defender Control 2.1 Portable, Defender Remover 12.8.0 Portable, Defender Tools 1.15.b08 Portable, Defraggler 2.22 Portable, DesktopOK 11.24 Portable, Directory List Print 4.31 Portable, Dns Angel 1.7 Portable, DoNotSpy 11 v1.2.0.0 Portable, Drive Letter Changer 1.4 Portable, Drive SnapShot Portable, Driver Magician 5.9.0 Portable, Driver Updater 7.1.1130 Portable, DriverMax Pro Portable, Duplicate Audio Finder Portable, Duplicate File Detective 7.2.74 Portable, Duplicate FileFinder 2024.01 Portable, Duplicate Files Search & Link 10.5.0 Portable, DVDDrive Repair Portable, Easy Context Menu 1.6 Portable, Edge Block 2.0 Portable, Edge Remover 1.4 Portable, ESET Online Scanner Portable, Everything Portable, ExamDiff Pro Portable, ExplorerPatcher 22621.3527.65.5, EzPing 2.1 Portable, FanControl 194 Portable, FastStone Capture 10.5 Portable, File Menu Tools Portable, File Renamer 24.3.4 Portable, Firefox 127.0.2 Portable, Floorp Browser 11.13.2 Portable, Folder2ISO 1.1 Portable, Folder2List 3.28.5 Portable, GameSave Manager 3.1.551.0 Portable, GClean 2024 v224.01.50964 Portable, Geek Uninstaller 1.5.2 Build 165 Portable, GetDataBack Pro 5.70 Portable, Glary Disk Cleaner Portable, Glary Utilities Portable, GoogleChrome 126.0.6478.127 Portable, GPU-Z 2.59.0 Portable, GPU-Z_ASUS_ROG_2.59.0 Portable, HDCleaner 2.073 Portable, Hibernate Enable-Disable 1.5 Portable, HiBit Startup Manager 2.6.40 Portable, HiBit Uninstaller 3.2.20 Portable, Hide From Uninstall List 1.1 Portable, HijackThis 1.99.1 Portable, Hosts File Editor+ 1.5.14 Portable, HWiNFO 8.05.5480 Portable, Image Explorer Portable, Image Uploader Portable, ImgBurn Portable, InternetTest Pro Portable, IObit Smart Defrag Pro Portable, IObit Uninstaller Portable, IsMyHdOK 3.93 Portable, IsMyLcdOK 5.61 Portable, Jim’s Toolbox 5.4 Portable, KeePass Password Safe 2.57 Portable, Light Image Resizer 6.2.0 Portable, Macrorit Disk Scanner 6.7.3 Portable, Malware Effects Remediation Tool 5.0 Portable, Manage Wireless Networks 1.14 Portable, McAfeeStinger Portable, MetaProducts Offline Explorer Portable, MiniTool Power Data Recovery 11.9 Portable, MPC-BE x64 Portable, MPC-HC 2.3.2 Portable, MPC-HC 2.3.2 x64 Portable, NetTraffic 1.71.0 Portable, Network Profile Name Changer v1.4 Portable, Network Scanner 8.2.0 Portable, NewFileTime 7.21 Portable, NIUBI Partition Editor 9.9.5 Portable, Notepad++ 8.6.8 Portable, NTLite v2023.12.9552, Office Installer Plus 1.15 Portable, Office Uninstall 2.0 Portable, OldNewExplorerCfg 1.1.9, OO AppBuster 1.3.1343 Portable, OO Defrag 28.2.10018 Portable, OO ShutUp10 1.9.1438 Portable, Opera One 111.0.5168.43 Portable, Optimizer 16.5 Portable, Optimizer_data folder cleaner, PC Cleaner Portable, PC Cleaning Utility Pro 3.8.4 Portable, Permissions Reporter 4.1.537.0 Portable, Photo Pos Pro 4.06.37 Portable, Photo Supreme 2024.2.0.6529 Portable, PowerISO 8.8 Portable, Privacy Eraser Portable, PrivaZer 4.0.88 Portable, Process Explorer 17.06 Portable, Process Monitor 4.01 Portable, Product Key Recovery Tool 2.0.1 Portable, Psiphon 3.183 Portable, PuzzleCollection 2024.03.01 Portable, Quick Any2Ico 3.4.4 Portable, QuickText Paste 8.74 Portable, RAMSaver Pro 24.5 Portable, Recuva Tech 1.53.2096 Portable, ReNamer 7.5 Portable, RepairKit 1.1.1 Portable, Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.3.0 Portable, Rufus 4.5 Portable, Run-Command 6.11 Portable, R-Wipe Clean 20.0.2463 Portable, S.O.S Security Suite Portable, ScanMyReg 4.2 Portable, ScreenHunter Pro 7.0.1461 Portable, Shortcuts Search And Replace 2.2 Portable, Skip UAC 1.2 Portable, Smart Driver Manager 7.1.1205 Portable, Smart PC Optimizer Pro Portable, Smart PC Pro Portable, Smart System Menu 2.27.0 Portable, Smarty Uninstaller 4.83.0 Portable, Speccy 1.33.079 Portable, Speedtest by Ookla Portable, Spotify Portable, SSD Booster .NET 17.7 Portable, SSD Fresh Plus 2024 13.01.53859 Portable, StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403 Portable, Store Apps Tool 1.1 Portable, Syncovery Premium Portable, Sysinternals Suite 20.06.2024 Portable, SystemNinja 4.0.1 Portable, SystemUtilities 1.1.1 Portable, Task Explorer 1.5.3 Portable, Task Manager DeLuxe Portable, TeamViewer 15.55.3 Portable, Telegram 5.2.0 Portable, Temp Cleaner 1.3 Portable, Total Uninstall 7.6.1 Portable, Total Uninstaller 2024 Portable, TotalCMD 11.03 Portable, TreeSize Portable, TweakNow WinSecret Plus 5.5.2 Portable, TweakPower 2.053 Portable, Tweak-SSD v2, Ultra Adware Killer Portable, UltraISO Portable, UltraSearch Portable, Uninstall View 1.51 Portable, Uninstalr 2.5 Portable, USB Device Tree Viewer Portable, USB Repair Portable, USB Safely Remove Portable, Vit Registry Fix Pro 14.9.3 Portable, Vivaldi 6.8.3381.46 Portable, VLC 3.0.21 Portable, Volume2 Portable, W10 Privacy Portable, WebBrowserPass View 2.12 Portable, Why Cant I Connect 1.12.4 Portable, WiFi Guard 2.2.2 Portable, Wifi InfoView 2.93 Portable, WiFi Scanner 22.11 Portable, Win 10 All Settings Portable, Win 10 Tweaker 20.2 Portable, Win 11 Tweaker 1.0.0 Portable, WinAero Tweaker 1.62.0 Portable, Winamp 99.11.18916 Portable, WinClean 1.3.1 Portable, Windows 11 Classic Context Menu 1.2 Portable, Windows App Remover Portable, Windows Firewall Control Portable, Windows Manager 2.0.2 Portable, Windows Memory Cleaner 2.8 Portable, Windows Repair Toolbox Portable, Windows Services Manager 1.0 Portable, Windows Update Blocker 1.8 Portable, Windows Update MiniTool 22.04.2022 Portable, Windows Update Reset Tool Portable, WinSetView 2.96 Portable, WinSlap 1.8 Portable, Premium 24.5.1 Portable, WinUtilities 15.89 Portable, Wireless Password Recovery Pro Portable, Wise Care365 Portable, WizTree 4.19 Portable, XD AntiSpy 4.0.2 Portable, XtraTools Pro 24.5.1 Portable, XYplorer 26.10.0200 Portable, ZInfo cpuzPortable, ZInfo gpuzPortable, ZInfo pcizPortable, ZInfo ssdzPortable
Thay đổi con trỏ chuột
Chỉ cần chạy từ trong thư mục Desktop\Morph’s_Desktop_Apps\Optional\Cursor cài đặt và chọn chủ đề đó từ chủ đề con trỏ trong tùy chọn chuột.
Addicted, ALIEN_DARK, ALIEN_RETURN_RED, ALIENWARE, Apocalypse, Aquaman, battlefield-3, Blaze, blue_alien, BlueThunder, Bouquet_Dark, Bouquet_Light, BouquetDark, BouquetLight, Breeze, Breeze_Snow, Breeze_Snow_x2, Breeze_x2, Broken10, cakeOS Dark, cakeOS Light, cakeOSDark, cakeOSLight, Catppuccin-Latte-Blue-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Dark-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Flamingo-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Green-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Lavender-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Light-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Maroon-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Mauve-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Peach-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Pink-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Red-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Rosewater-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Sapphire-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Sky-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Teal-Cursors, Catppuccin-Latte-Yellow-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Blue-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Dark-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Flamingo-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Green-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Lavender-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Light-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Maroon-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Mauve-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Peach-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Pink-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Red-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Rosewater-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Sapphire-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Sky-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Teal-Cursors, Catppuccin-Mocha-Yellow-Cursors, coal, CobaltBlades, Cyberpunk, Darkcur, DarklingEvolved, DiabloIII, dreamlandGREEN, Droid, ElviraCrushedVelvet, Evolution, EZMachine, FireDragon, Glass_Maxx, Gradient_Red, GradientBlue, Hardwired, HardwiredRyzenBlue, HUDMachineRed, Innie, KinetikAquaX, LAUNCH, Magnum, MB_Metal, MBMetalReligion, MoltaBellaBlue, MoltaBellaCyan, MoltaBellaDay, MoltaBellaMagenta, MoltaBellaMint, MoltaBellaNeonBlue, MoltaBellaNeonGreen, MoltaBellaNeonYellow, MoltaBellaNight, MoltaBellaOrange, MoltaBellaPurple, MoltaBellaRed, MSOneGreen, NoisyBoy, Nucleus, oreo black, oreo_blue, oreo_dark, oreo_green, oreo_light, oreo_light_pink, oreo_lime, oreo_orange, oreo_pink, oreo_purple, oreo_red, oreo_violet, oreo_white, Oxygen, pointblack, Poison, Prowler, Pulse, Re_Digitized, RedBlackShardNon-Tail, RedBlackShardTailed, Revenge_Red, RoadWarrior, Rockstar, SHARP_Green, SHARP_Red, Slick_tech, SolarExplorer, SpecialEditionSE, STARCRUISER, STEALTH, tronnix, UISTA, VectorglossBlack, VectorglossBlue, VectorglossDarkBlue, VectorglossGreen, VectorglossGrey, VectorglossOrange, VectorglossPink, VectorglossPurple, VectorglossRed, VectorglossTorquoise, VectorglossWhite, VectorglossYellow, Vengeance, x-black-2-blue, Xenon_premiumblue, Xenon_premiumcoral, Xenon_premiumgreen, Xenon_premiumorange, Xenon_premiumpink, Xenon_premiumpurple, Xenon_premiumred, Xenon_premiumwhite, Xenon_premiumyellow
Ảnh chụp màn hình
Download Windows 11 23H2 Lite 3810 có Office 2021 Bypass TPM
MD5 : E43B868D35B31FCE4581F45B23DFFE77
SHA1 : B735A1CDB520D70135454C4AA9C25E7F269C540C
Hướng dẫn cài đặt:
Có thể sử dụng các cách sau để cài đặt:
- Cài trực tiếp trên Windows, không cần USB bằng WinToHDD.
Cách Cài Win 11/10/8/7/Windows Server Từ Ổ Cứng Bằng WinToHDD - Tạo USB Boot chứa file iso, sau đó boot từ usb và cài đặt.
Hướng Dẫn Tạo USB Cài Win 10, 11 Bằng Rufus Chuẩn UEFI Và Legacy
Tạo USB Boot chứa file iso cài Windows 10, 11 bằng Ventoy
Cách tạo USB Boot cài Win 11, 10, 8, 7 bằng Windows USB/DVD Download Tool - Tạo USB Multiboot, sau đó vào winpe cài đặt bằng WinNT Setup
Cách cài Win 11, 10, 8.1, 7 bằng WinNT Setup trong WinPE